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First, here’s an example that Mr Finch made;


<iframe id="my_iframe" width="100%" height="400px" src="https://\\lps.internal\userdata$\HomeDrives\Admin Office Staff\ed\New folder (5)\Lost in Space.html" scrolling="no"

How to embed Twine on your WordPress website

Create twine and export it to html file.

Publish to File.


Upload html file on the server (eg. FTP with Filezilla).


Create a new page in your wordpress where you want to embed the twine.


Insert following code (be sure to switch to Text tab)

<iframe id="my_iframe" width="100%" height="400px" src="; scrolling="no"

Replace url with path to your twine.


Now you have twine embedded on your website, however it has the wrong size. Oh noes! What now?!

Lets add some more code 🙂


Hi there everyone,


I’m really excited to say that our new blog to celebrate our school link is just about up and running.

Larkrise has been linked with Jinja SDA for nearly ten years and to celebrate the first ten years here’s a blog to share some of the stories and experiences that have created the strong relationships we have built up over the visits, the projects and the years.

Look here for information about upcoming events and how you can get involved.

Ed Finch